Friday, December 3, 2010

What is called subconscious mind?

Have you ever felt that this thing which is happening in front of you has happened before?  or I have seen this picture before?

It happens quite a few times you get such an experience. This is because of the data stored in your subconscious mind.
Normally, if you tend to forget isn't permanently deleted from your brain. But in fact it is stored in your subconscious mind! The subconscious mind is like a Recycle Bin which is never emptied. When someone reminds of something that you have forgotten, you try to recollect it from the subconscious mind. Then the transfer of data begins from the subconscious mind to your conscious mind. Interesting? If not then you may stop reading.
For the first time when you tried to learn balancing a bicycle, you may have found it very difficult and you needed full concentration. But once you learn how, can you ever forget it in your lifetime? No. Because it is stored in your subconscious mind. As days progress you may ride a bicycle even when you are talking on a cellphone, even when your concentration is on the caller. Then too you manage to ride the bicycle with least of your efforts. This is because the program to ride the bicycle is stored into you subconscious mind and it is controlled by the subconscious mind. Another interesting fact is that "Subconscious mind gets programmed by repetition and not on logic". You may consider the above example of riding a bicycle.
It wound be very interesting to know that the subconscious mind even controls the most vital functions of our body such as breathing, heart beats, etc. Now when you hear the word breathing you become conscious and the program for breathing gets transferred from your subconscious mind to your conscious mind and it becomes a voluntary action. Even the dreams which you get is controlled by the subconscious mind. Dreams don't come from anywhere they are fragments of your subconscious mind. When you watch a horror movie probably you may get dream that night based on the movie characters, which you weren't getting until that night. The subconscious contains up to 90% of brain's data. Thats the power of subconscious mind!

In this above image you may see the part of the rock that is above the water is our conscious mind while the part that is submerged is the subconscious one! It is up to you how can you use more out of your subconscious mind.

Only this much for now. I will write probably in my next post when I do a little more research on it. Drop your comments below. They will be highly appreciated.

Thanks for reading
Rajesh Krishnan

hot blooms.............................VOLCANOES

Itz really very exciting to share some facts about volcanoes............ we all know the basic birth of
volcanoes,these are vents or pressures in the earth's crust through which magma is forced on to the surface as lava they occur most commonly along the boundaries of crustal plates ; most volcanoes lie in the belt called "the ring of fire",which runs at the end of the pacific ocean.Most volcanoes occur where two plates meet. When two plates move apart causing a gap, hot molten rock - called lava - rises up between them. This type of volcano occurs on the ocean floor and is mostly invisible. If the amount of magma is large enough, it rises above the surface of the ocean and an island is created.If two plates collide and one plate is forced beneath the other plate, the friction makes the first melt and magma rises up. Only a few volcanoes on earth are formed like this, but their eruptions are the most violent and dangerous ones. The reasons why a volcano forms may be:
•due to plumes or hot spots in the lithosphere
•as a result of subduction of the nearby lithosphere
INDONESIA IS A COUNTRY where most of thr volcanoes occur ,the geography of Indonesia is dominated by volcanoes that are formed due to subduction zones between the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian plate.
About 95% of active volcanoes occur at the plate subduction zones and at the mid-oceanic ridges ,the other 5% occur in areas associated with lithospheric hot spots.The volcanoes are more dangerous and wildest thing of our nature it may be due to the fact that we are using many of the poisonous gases and polluting into nature which is causing such an big destruction in the form of volcanoes, so i am here just to aware ALL OF U in this world make sure to save our nature by reduction of usage of these harmful gases.............

Hi all

This is my first posting on this blog. I'm very much excited after setting this up. Now I plan to write on some topics which I feel I can literate people with. Awww... its an awesome experience.

Maybe I will fair well and grab a good audience, or maybe not. But I will always be glad that I took this step forward and published this blog up.

What to write on? Is making my mind restless. But don't you worry "All iz well" and I think that I my brain is trained enough to come up with something original that can be inked over here.

Your comments are most appreciated.

Rajesh Krishnan